Ms. Tsagalakis P.E. STARS Participation Rubric



4 3 2 1
Stay on task: Student is focused on the game or activity for the entire class period. Limits side conversation and distraction.  


Most of the time Intermittently Rarely
Try your best: Wears PE uniform, participates to the best of their ability both independently and on a team.  


Most of the time Intermittently Rarely
Actively listen: Consistently listens, interacts, discusses and contributes to the overall goal of the group.  


Most of the time Intermittently Rarely
Respect self, others and equipment: Respectful of the teacher, classmates and self. Takes care of equipment, helps set up and take down equipment.  


Most of the time Intermittently Rarely
Sportsmanship: Student is respectful, plays fair and accepts the outcome of the game or activity!  


Most of the time
Intermittently Rarely